量子物性基礎論レポート課題集(全7題)7 Reports (Projects)







First Report: You can find here



Deadline: 11 May.


第二回レポート課題(6月8日出題)2nd Report:


Make (invent or devise) and solve a practice exercise based on the quantum mechanics yourself,

related to the subject of YOUR current research.

You have to describe how the self-made problem-solving exercise is related to your research subject.


Deadline: 29 June


第三回レポート課題(6月29日出題)3rd Report:




The triangular well is useful because it is a simple description of the potential at the interface like HEMT or MOSFET.

In these cases, the wavefunctions are obtained as Airy functions.

Discuss the discretization of energy levels in the triangular potential (Calculate the discretized energy level in the triangular potential).


Deadline: 20 July


第四回レポート課題(6月29日出題)4th Report:

以下の論文を熟読し、A4 二枚程度に要約せよ。

Read thoroughly and summarize the following article

R.C.Miller et al. "Parabolic quantum wells with the GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs system", Physical Review B 29, 3740 (1984)


Deadline: 20 July


第五回レポート課題(7月6日出題)5th Report:

以下の論文を熟読し、A4 二枚程度に要約せよ。

Read thoroughly and summarize the following article

E.B.Foxman et al. "Effects of quantum levels on transport through a Coulomb island", Physical Review B 47, 10020 (1993)


Deadline: 20 July


第六回レポート課題(7月13日出題)6th Report:

以下の論文を熟読し、A4 二枚程度に要約せよ。

Read thoroughly and summarize the following article

Leo Esaki "Long journey into tunneling; Section II & III", Review of Modern Physics 46, 237 (1974).

提出期限:8月10日(火)Report box ; W2-307

Deadline: 10 August


第七回レポート課題(7月20日出題)7th Reports;

最終授業スライドはこちら(Documents; pdf-formatted file)

配布資料1はこちら(Document 1)

配布資料2はこちら(Document 2)

課題ファイルはこちら(7th report; pdf-formatted file)

提出期限:8月10日(火)Report box ; W2-307

Deadline: 10 August